I started learning Chinese Painting and Calligraphy when I was five years old in China. When I first started learning, my teacher taught me the way to grab the brush. And then he taught me the way to write heng and shu (vertical and horizontal lines that made up a Chinese character). I fell in love with the feeling of my hand wrapped around the wooden handle.

When I moved to the United States, I started learning Western Art and integrated it with Chinese brush painting techniques. During my time at UCLA, I learned creative softwares such as Illustrator and Photoshop by myself and created graphic design works for the Music of China Ensemble. Last semester, I took a course on Multimedia with the intention to enhance my skills on these softwares. From the course, I learned 6 different Adobe softwares (InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Audition, After Effects, and Premiere).

My art also dwelled on another integral part of classical Chinese culture – traditional Chinese music. I play several different traditional Chinese instruments including Guzheng, Erhu, Hulusi, Bawu, and Chinese percussion. I have taken Audio Technology class at UCLA, learning primarily about Logic Pro X and wrote my first song using Logic Pro X and Ableton Live. Recently, I am also obsessed with Chinese folk art and opera. In the “Music” section, you can view some of my music works and performances.

My experience with data starts from Statistics courses I took from UCLA. In CMU Heinz, I took a course called Telling Stories with Data, which focuses primarily on data visualizations and how to deliver a message through graphs. This course also introduces me to Tableau, Flourish, and other data visualization tools.